Turmeric, Hormones and Inflammation

How Turmeric supports hormone balance and why do hormones even become imbalanced in the first place?!

Turmeric, while having many benefits, this brightly coloured and popular Ayurvedic spice has been used in Indian culture and cuisine for nearly 4000 years. It is well known for its anti-Inflammatory benefits and clears out excess estrogen and toxins out of the body. Therefore helping to support your liver to help metabolize hormones and further support detoxification that contribute to hormonal imbalances. Pair turmeric with cinnamon to help lower your blood pressure, wow! This can be simply added to a hot beverage you enjoy.

From a holistic point of view we understand that it's not one contributing factor but a combo effect over time from the environment, diet and lifestyle.


Here are a few things that over time can contribute to imbalanced hormones:

・Eating conventionally raised (that contain hormones and antibiotics) meats and dairy

・Exposure to xenoestrogens (These are in personal care and house-hold products like shampoo, lotions, perfume and chemical filled cleaners. Heating plastic containers also create xenoestrogens!)

・Birth control pills

・A diet low in fruits and vegetables

・A diet low in good quality soluble and insoluble fibre

・A diet low in healthy fats (hormones need fat to function)

・A diet low in quality protein

・Consuming a high glycemic diet

・Tap water (which contain endocrine disruptors)

・Overconsumption of alcohol

・Overconsumption of caffeine

・Environmental air pollutants

・Bacterial imbalance in the gut (foods like sugar that feed bad bacteria)


These are reasons spice needs to be # 1 on your eat list today to create better hormone harmony and reduce inflammation!

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