Fall Liver Cleansing

Detox your Liver! Get a clean liver today! Act now as there is only one per body!

Liver Abuse

After what has seemed to be a long summer holiday with kids being kicked out of school since mid June and only back since late in September, we could all use an overhaul by doing a liver cleanse. I am doing this right now as I write and keep doing it continuously. It takes a while to get back into a routine and remind ourselves about better eating habits, especially after the summer months—our eating habits relax and the intake of sugar is most likely at a all time high than any other time of the year, very close on the heels of December with all the Christmas treats. When it’s warmer weather, sodas, high sugary treats and alcohol become more attractive as do BBQs with hamburgers, steaks and hotdogs. All those gluten rich grains and sugar can pay a heavy price on the biggest gland in our body, the LIVER!


Time to Cleanse

Treat your liver right, it’s very important for our existence as we know. Instead of going out and purchasing expensive liver flush or liver detox products, use alternative and healthy methods that will save you money and save your liver. The liver has so many functions and without it we cannot live life. The liver is the only organ capable of regeneration.

Foods to Eat

Start detoxing and cleansing your liver this fall by eating plenty of these foods: raw spinach, leafy greens, beets (improves the overall function of the liver), cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower (help flush out carcinogens and toxins), carrots, asparagus, cabbage, turmeric, green tea, avocado, grapefruit and walnuts. Citrus fruits such as lemon and lime play a role in stimulating the liver. Apples play a synergistic role by making it easier to handle the toxic load for the cleansing process. Brussel sprouts and garlic has a huge amount of sulfur that activates liver enzymes which helps with flushing toxins out of your body.

You can also give your liver a break by introducing different alternative grains such as buckwheat, millet and quinoa. Keep it simple, increase your whole foods, eat lots of organic vegetables and fruits and drink plenty of water with lemon, this really does help! The liver is a wonderful and resilient organ; if you treat it right, your entire body will be saying… Thank you!

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