Happy Liver, Happy Hormones, Wellness & Weight Loss


Liver Health & Weight Loss…hmmmm?

Liver health holds the key to thousands of metabolic functions every day such as weight loss, good sleep, good energy levels, efficient hormone methylation, cholesterol regulation and the balance of blood glucose levels… just to name a few.

One of the most common contributing factors as to why this system becomes disrupted, is sluggish or incomplete metabolism of hormones via the liver.  Women's hormonal systems can be complex but understanding how to take care of this amazing organ with real simple solutions and strategies to balance hormones again and losing stubborn weight, doesn’t need to be. This is just one topic I teach on in the 90 Day Women’s Wellness Weight Loss Hormone Program.

Are you struggling to lose weight and balance blood sugar during mid life? How many different ways have you changed your diet in the last 5+ years in desperation to get the weight off, get your blood sugar under control and increase your energy levels but nothing seems to work?

My friend….Supporting your liver is fundamental to weight loss & hormone success! Support your liver and start losing weight now with my Happy LIVER, Happy HORMONES guide!

Happy Liver, Happy Hormones & Happy Life!

Teresa Funk, R.H.N.
Registered Holistic Nutritionist ™
